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Cages, Comfortable, or Charged?

What is standing in your way to become your very best self? I have asked myself this many times, and I have many different answers at various times of life. There have been times I have told myself that it was not possible to be what I really wanted to be, simply because of where I worked or my weaknesses that stood in my way. I also have told myself that I don't need to rock the boat too much, because I am comfortable and used the phrase "it's fine". Then there have been times that I pretty much tell others to move out of the way, because I am coming through and no one will prevent me from accomplishing my desired goal.

The three examples I have shared may sound familiar to you. You may have said these things to yourself or even taken them a little further. The natural mind seeks the least amount of resistance, but this only serves one purpose. The purpose of nothing. Do you really want someone to ask you why you are doing something and only answer that it is for no reason? You are more than that! You are divine!

Three different lives will be highlighted in this blog.


The Caged Life

A caged life is one with very little influence, drive, or even dreams. The power a person has inherited by coming to earth has been handed over to anyone who will tell them how to think, feel, or act. Career aspirations fade away because someone said you are not a good business person. Who are they to take away your dreams? Who are you to give away your dreams? Come on, pick yourself up, look yourself in the mirror, and stop allowing that person in the mirror to get in the way of who you are meant to become. You are not caged, you are free range.


The Comfortable Life

Have you ever heard the phrase "rock the boat"? A comfortable life is one who is always worried to rock the boat. Rough water only brings fear and worry that you are unable to make it through. Rough water is meant to strength your mind, muscles, and feel a sense of accomplishment once you make it through. I hope you understand what I mean.

"I'm fine" is almost a swear word in our house. Meaning, whom ever is saying this does not have intentions to change, grow, or even work for something. Comfortable is okay for a little while but too much of that feeling tends to create habits of entitlement and laziness. Once you begin thinking that others have something to owe, change is necessary and you must be brought to reality.


The Charged Life

This is the Life!! The charged life is a person who takes in every moment, nothing is wasted. Relationships are nurtured each and every day. Self-evaluation is done on a regular basis to ensure laziness does not creep in. The charged person is one who knows who they are, what they want, sets goals, and then goes and gets it.

"No matter how often others tell you something is impossible, you are the only judge of that."

Don't be that person. You are in charge! You are the commander of your ship, your life. A charged life looks fear and doubt in the face with confidence because they have a community of support behind them. My support comes from my wife, family, and most importantly, my Savior Jesus Christ. Without this support I stand in danger of losing a charged life. A life filled with Joy and Happiness.

You were not sent this earth to fail, only to succeed. The hard part is looking at failure with optimism to learn key success makers. It can be done. If you are saying to yourself right now that life is for someone else, you can't do this, I don't have enough money, I don't have support, you are wrong!! You have all of these things. I am here, there is someone in your family who will support you, and you always have a loving Heavenly Father that will listen.

Make today the day you move out of caged and comfortable lives, and experience the joy that has been waiting for you. You can do it, just start!

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