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Comparison Toxicity, Confident Influence

When was the last time you compared your performance, behavior, success, good looks, or anything else to another person? I would guess you have compared yourself within that past few days. How did it make you feel? I know any time I place myself in competition with another, without them knowing, my emotional state declines and personal isolation occurs.

I would like to suggest four things that are directly correlated to continued comparisons. Using the word FEEL, I will illustrate this impact.


F - Feel isolated

E- Emotional destruction

E- Ego heightened

L- Love decreased


FEEL ISOLATED: The behavior directly tied to social media is something influencing feelings of isolation. As you scroll through all the beautiful lives and people, feelings of lesser important and you may find yourself retracting from engagement. Comparing and judging what everyone else is doing will never enhance your ability to grow and gain motivation. Can you doubt this?

EMOTIONAL DESTRUCTION: Another thing that comparisons do to us, is emotional destruction. What I mean is we will inflict this emotional destruction upon ourselves. A sense of jealousy often floods the mind and you may take time to give destructive self-talk. "It's true, you are not all that great." No, you are that great, and you may even be far better. Success, growth, and opportunity does not knock on your door, give you a hug, and then give you exactly what you need. Start today by eliminating emotional destruction by stopping the comparisons.

EGO HEIGHTENED: Comparing yourself can impact your mind like a drug. The more you lift yourself above others, the more you inflate your ego, the more your ego is inflated. The brain will request and require more comparison. The ego has never nurtured a relationship for lasting impact.

LOVE DECREASED: As feelings of isolation are developed, destructive self-talk comes, and ego heightens, the love you desire to share with others will decrease. Love is always developed upon thoughtfulness, action, care, and time. If you desire to increase the amount of love you have in your life today, spend more time with people and show them care through your daily actions, not comparisons.

Comparison Toxicity

Based on the four principles spoken of how would you rate your comparison toxicity? On a scale from 1 to 10.

Comparison toxicity is the amount of negative influence others have on your well-being.

Based on the four principles spoken of how would you rate your confident influence? On a scale from 1 to 10.

Confident influence is the amount of positive influence you have on the well-being of others.

I believe you have the power, strength, energy, and courage to accomplish anything you put your mind too. Along with the power of Jesus Christ. I have experienced the hopelessness of comparison, the destructive self-talk, and the reduction of love in my life. Having a coach, a support person, someone who cared, helped me and walked me through change. They encouraged my mind and I became, and continue to become, something better than I imagined. You can do this too. Make today the day you get a coach, quit the comparison game, and become your very best self.

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