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Complaining, is it a big deal?

Think about the times you have complained about something. What was the physical, emotional, and spiritual impact that came from your complaining? I would guess you may have felt physically exhausted, emotionally drained, and less susceptible to feeling spiritual things. The resulted in less action and progress.

I have come to recognize that complaining in my life never leads to joy or happiness. Becoming more aware of complaining will only make you a better person, a person of influence and successful in desired areas. Recently, I heard a speech by Will Bowen, the world’s expert on complaining. I was reminded and encouraged to step up my game.

Understanding what complaining is and is not will help change. 


“Complaining is to express grief, pain or discomfort.

It is not complaining to speak DIRECTLY and ONLY to the person who can resolve the issue." 

-Will Bowen


I love that we can identify what complaining is not. This not only allows me to understand what I am doing, but it empowers me to go to the source of resolution.

Removing complaining and implementing positive problem solving will open opportunities to you. It is like removing a faulty component in a cell phone. Replacing the part with quality will help the phone perform at higher levels.

Will Bowen also shared “why people complain”. This is what he shared...

Get attention

Remove Responsibility

Inspire Envy


Excuse Poor Performance

Find in yourself where you can improve and grow. Take this opportunity to change, influence others, and become what you truly desire. It is time for you to stand above the complaining and gossip. If there is a problem and you are not talking to the source, it is gossip. Lift yourself, lift others, you have great value. You are a leader.


Developing quality habits and performing as your very best self will require a habit of no complaining. If you what to be promoted at work, stop complaining. After all, "78% of employees waste 4.5 hours every week listening to coworkers complain. This results in around $448,451 thrown away" - Will Bowen

If you want to overcome a weakness, stop complaining. If you want to influence others at the next level, stop complaining. If you are not sure how to limit your complaining, ask for help. If you don’t have someone to ask, ask me. Support and a community will always help you overcome any weakness. I hope you will put in the time and effort to influence the world with your true self.

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