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Energy, only for the young?

I remember being young and being able to run for days. It felt so good to not even think about having enough energy or not. My energy was fuels by the ambition of action, a lot of food for a teenager, and influence from others to not be sedentary.

Now that I am older, the unlimited amount of energy has diminished, but is possible, with a little preparation. The mindset I approach each activity of the day impacts the amount of energy produced. If the thought is only about dreading to make phone calls, then each phone call will be less influential and persuasive. Only focusing on my agenda and not allowing time for others can reduce the energy given to the agendas of loved ones. For example, when I go play with my son outside, am I only thinking about wanting to change the oil in the car or building something in my shop? If so, the amount of energy my son will received will be felt and the experience will be less memorable.

Brendon Burchard

It is time to prioritize your energy. When you know you will be performing a specific task make sure you have time to prepare. This year I had the opportunity to coach my son’s five-year-old baseball team. Each time we had a game I would mentally prepare, who I wanted to be and how I wanted to coach. I brought the joy and had the time of my life each and every time I was with those boys, and so did they.

If you are struggling to bring the joy, you may need to make an adjustment in lifestyle. Look at nutrition, exercise, wellness, and mindset as all things contributing to the joy you bring. The body will react positively to better care and reward you with more energy.

Bring the joy!

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