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Had It Not Been For... What?

Have you every thought about what has made you successful, happy, joyful, or just you? Life presents all kinds of ups and downs, in which we make a decision to respond. Adversity and trials have to be responded to with care, this care will determine the result


Had it not been for meeting my amazing, beautiful, wife in college, I would not have started my favorite journey of life. Had it not been for seeing each of my children being born, I would not value life the way I do today. Had it not been for my faith in Jesus Christ, trials would appear to be much more difficult. Had it not been for regular date nights with my wife, I would not love her as great and deeply as I do. These are all positive, uplifting things that have molded me to who I am today.

Had it not been for my health complications shortly after being married, I would have never understood the value of a healthy body. Had it not been for losing my job twice, I would not have developed the skills I do today to obtain a new job. Had it not been for my addiction, I would not have gone through the recovery and healing, through Jesus Christ. Had it not been for my failures, my joys would not be the joys they are today.


Joy is the purpose of this life. Many people strive to fill life with joy, but through activities, fun, sports, outings, and more. Things are not joy, but things with those who you value is joy. If each of us recognize the value of struggle, we will value the joy much more. Opposition is required for each of us in order to differentiate between the things that are truly important, or require prioritization, and things of very little worth.

Take this opportunity, TODAY, to make a list of things of "had it not been for"s. I believe you will appreciate who you are and where you have come from far more. Appreciate the struggle, love who you are, and move forward sharing all you have become with those who bring joy. There is greater happiness to have in life, we just need to recognize all the blessings and then stand grateful.


One last thing, notice how I view my past and hard times. I no longer view my addiction, health issues, and conflicts in a negative way. Those things have all molded me into who I am today. You take those things away, I may not like who I am and may not have the joy I feel right now. My family brings me joy, my faith brings me joy, my future brings me joy, and my past brings me joy.

Bring the Joy!!

My Family
Had it not been for my family!

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