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A paradigm is defined as the way one would view something. This could be a view of a person, career, faith, family, opportunities, weakness or anything else. This is a good time for you to assess how you view the people around you, your life's work, and the faith you hold close to your heart.

Many times, paradigm shifts are mentioned or recommended for potential growth and opportunities. Have you changes the way you view a person and then felt closer to them? Have you changed the way you view your employment and then all of a sudden success emerged? I know this has been true for me. When I am so locked into only one frame of mind or one way to accomplish a task, my growth potential decreases.

Fear, fatigue, and frustrations are just three things you may consider adjusting to accomplish the desired paradigm shift.


FEAR: Does fear stand in the way of a necessary paradigm shift, or change? Fear is a powerful influence in our lives, and often can prevent a great opportunity to become the very person you intend to be. Are you being your very best self, or are you afraid to make the shift necessary?

FATIGUE: Does fatigue stand in the way of a productive change? A change that will immediately provide more energy, or eventually provide more energy. There are all kinds of fatigue in life. Physical, mental, and emotion fatigue impact us in many ways. A good quality morning routine may be just the thing you need to level up, or working out a few times a week, or getting the sleep to create a more clear brain.

FRUSTRATION: Does frustration cause change to stop and momentum to decrease? Frustration often will enter our minds when failure is experience. Failure is part of the journey, maybe that is what your paradigm shift needs to be. Failure is molding you into the person you were always meant to be.


The paradigms you view each day can increase or decrease high performance. It is always up to you. Luckily, we are given the gift of agency and a new day to shift our thinking and become our very best self.

If you are just not sure how to make this shift, maybe you need someone to listen, coach, and suggest new ways. This is what I do, I help people embrace a new paradigm of high performance. I would love to help you perform at your very highest level today. This is your choice and your life, what do you want?

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