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Take Courage!!

Each day you go somewhere, a trip, the store, a friends house, or anywhere else, I would guess you take essential items with you. It could be your most valuable lip balm, a stress ball, or some type of protection just in case. The point of the matter is, we all take things everywhere we go to be prepared for whatever we may be faced with. My family and I are very specific about taking water everywhere we go. Being hydrated is one of the most important things we can do.

Have you ever thought about taking with you something that is not tangible? Think about taking something that will protect your mind, your ability to grow, and protection to your values. I take emotional things to protect my faith, my God, and my Savior every day. You may call this many things, but I call it courage. TAKE COURAGE!


Here is the hard part about this. Most of my life I have struggle to really share the voice I have, and share the thoughts or values I truly feel. I would vent many times to my wife and close friends but would never share with the right people to make a difference. This is not an easy adjustment, to begin to share and open your mouth. This has been a gradual progression for me. Sharing with the world about my recovery and addiction to pornography has changed the way I want to have a voice.

Courage must begin from within. A little twinge of desire inside your heart will soon become an influence heard by hundreds or maybe even thousands. Nurture the desire and characteristic of courage. Be open and honest with the ones you love. Share your fears, worries, victories, and most of all, be vulnerable.


Mental and moral strength defines the amount of courage in your heart. Allowing doubt, fear, or difficulty into your mind will rob you of the self-confidence courage rewards you with.


Make today the day you move forward with courage. Take courage everywhere you go. Fight the fear you face when your boss challenges your morals, fight the worry you feel when you know you should leave a compromising environment, fight the comparison to others you feel when it appears someone else is performance better. You are strong. You are divine. You are courageous.

If you are unsure what courage actually looks like for you, ask. You may not even know you are being walked all over. The community of love all around you will lift you up, dust off the dirt, bandage your wounds, and encourage your victory. You are great!

TAKE COURAGE! This is your Victory.

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