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Value and Wasted Time

Over the past few years I have discovered the great need to manage my time. Being bored and laziness is not something an individual recovering from a pornography addiction should flirt with. Being productive is so important, especially for continual growth. A study performed by the Harvard Business Review showcased, on average, how much time the average American wastes per week. It is alarming.


- 6.8 hours per week on low value work activities

- 3.9 hours per week in YouTube and social media, I think this is truthfully higher.

- 3.4 hours per week handling low value emails

- 3.2 hours per week on low value interruptions

- 1.8 hours per week on low value requests from coworkers

- 1.8 hours per week putting out preventable fires

- 1 hour per week just sitting wasting time.


So what do we do to be more productive, and add value to our activities each week? I would like to suggest getting in line and congruent with who your very best self is. What does that person do each day? Who do they develop relationships with? Do they work hard or smart?

My congruent self is in line with what I value most. Below is a list of my top 5 things I value.

1. God/ Faith

2. Family

3. Career

4. Relationships, outside of my family

5. Hobbies

Knowing what I value allows me to determine if anything outside of these areas should be allowed into my daily life. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Video games, and much more all interfere with my five most valuable things. I am not saying these things are bad things, they have a time and a place, but I am saying that there is a better way to utilize time.

Take this opportunity to write down what you value most, assess if you are in congruence, and then take action and set boundaries. Many people I know have a basket or drawer for cell phones while eating dinner. I think this is a great way to eliminate distractions and create memories. You are capable of a fully charges, healed, happy, and joyful life. Take this opportunity now!

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