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When I... ?

Over the years I have have heard many people use the phrase "when I"... to indicate accomplishment and joy. "When I make a million dollars I will be happy, and then I will spend time with my family." "When I am promoted, I will feel accomplished in my career." What will it take for you to feel fulfilled and successful? Now is the time to take action for what matters.

By the time you accomplish the desired goal, the cost may have been too high. Time and time again, I hear about fathers who spend so much time traveling and working in hopes to one day spend time with their family. Make it happen today! Make it a priority! What are you afraid of?

The fear of possible success only holds you back from real success and a joy that will change your life. It takes courage to face what exhausts the majority of your time. Courage tells fear who will manage it moving forward.


“Courage is the ability to have faith, persistence, and strength in the face of fear, pain, and stress. Have faith today. Keep persisting toward your dreams because we need you. The world needs more people with a courageous heart.” Brendon Burchard


Changing the "when I" statement to a "today I" statement brings joy to your life today. I will be my very best self, and that means I will honor my purpose.

My Purpose:

The purpose of my life is to be abnormally optimistic and honorable, to influence my relationships positively while loving them no matter what, and to fill others with confidence and meaning so that families will last for all time, no matter the struggle.

What is your "today I" statement? Use your agency to command life instead of life controlling you.

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