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When is it enough?

Over the years I have been through many things that have been difficult.


- Having a sick father all through my teenage years.

- Moving to a different state right before my 17th birthday.

- Depression

- Anxiety

- My father passing away at age 58, I was only 21 years old.

- A medical condition that majorly limited my ability to function.

- 2 job losses.

- Struggle of an Addiction.

- Another health difficulty that almost took my life this time.

- and a few others along the way.


I don't tell you this to toot my own horn about all the terrible things I have gone through. In fact, if you are comparing your difficulties to mine right now, STOP IT! These are my struggles. We are all individual. I share this to show we all struggle, and in that we are all the same.

The question I want to pose is, when is it enough? When is life hard enough for you to feel the need to learn, grow, change, or just listen to someone else? Each of us have a choice to make each time struggle comes our way. We can either blame others and hate God for what is happening, or we can embrace the struggle and thank God for what you are learning.

I would like to suggest to embrace the struggle and thank God. You will find lasting happiness and a growth that cannot come in any other way than affliction. God intends for this life to be hard. In fact, he love to see a little struggle, not pain but struggle. I find it to be sad that often times it take difficulty for individuals to turn to God. When life is comfortable, we have a tendency to coast and not ask for help, myself included.

Honor the struggle, meaning that being okay with struggle and asking for God's strength is only going to make you stronger. I could have given up a long time ago, but if I did I would not be the man I am today. I would not be writing this post and encouraging others to gain more command of their lives. I want, more than anything, people to be happy, have joy, experience success, but if you don't know when enough is enough you will never stop fighting against your learning opportunities, struggle.

If you need help then ask for help. This is what I do, I help others gain this command, energy, clarity, courage and much more. Don't wait to move forward.

Today is the last day you take a beating, today you begin to fight back!

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